Re-connecting people back to the mail box

In today’s hurried world staying in touch with people has never been easier, yet we often forget the simple touches of yester-year that can make a big difference in Evangelism. Since I am a techie preacher I enjoy using tools that make a difference and are affordable.
When I first entered the ministry back in the late 80"s it was kind of an expecting thing to write people notes or cards and drop them in the mail to share your feelings and stay in touch. Then came along e-mail! Over the course of time I stopped sending cards in the mail because of the hassle to go find the cards, write them out and stamps, post office, etc. Pretty sad huh? I agree it is said, but it is a reality. The people who adapted into the e-mail communication revolution dropped the letter writing art off and replaced communications with a e-mail or phone calls.
A year ago I came across this company that truly found a niche in the snail mail industry of communication and I truly like it. It gives a guy like me that truly still wants to send nice cards for a vast array of reasons to a physical mail box from the comfort of your PC. I really feel like this can help us reach out and assist in the efforts of evangelism with a personal touch through the click of a mouse.
I have a podcast I recorded with the gentleman that signed me up over a year ago and I think you will enjoy it. I now send snail mail out at least once a week to someone. In the last year I have mailed out over 500 pieces of mail from my PC as cards or postcards for business, family and friends and never had to purchase a card at the store, lick a stamp or go to the post office. Plus I can ad my true signature on the card, upload my own pictures as well and include gift cards, checks for birthdays etc. It is an amazing technology and it boils down to about o.62 cents a card plus postage. I have even sent a card to a business colleague in Australia and she received it in less than 1 days. My funniest response was sending a card to President Bush and request his presence to a Prayer Breakfast. I was blown away when I got a letter in the mail for consideration. Unfortunately I got the second letter the other day informing me that the President could not attend after all. So having the white House respond should tell you that this is not some cheap card deal.

It is possibly the best tool I have ever seen for organizing and follow up in the mail for family and business clients for the mail box touch. Here is what you can do with an account that is web-based:

1. Choice among thousands of professionally designed cards and postcards that are as good or better than any store bought cards
2. Save on average $1-2.00 per card you have mailed over locally purchased cards.
3. Upload your entire electronic address book from Excel
4. Schedule the day to be mailed days, weeks or months in advance
5. Include checks, gift cards etc with any card as you might desire
6. Have a reminder calendar for up coming birthdays etc .to stay on top of good communication
7. Make people feel thought of again with a touch to the mail box. It might not be hand written, but they still know you took the time and money to send a card in the mail and that still means more than a free e-mail sent to an inbox.
8. Create follow up campaigns for clients. Example: create 5 cards to follow-up on a new home owner after you sold them a home. A great way to show you care and have not forgotten about them. The list could go on, but you get the picture.

I was on sabbatical this past summer and went and had a dozen or so cards mailed from a public library I went to. I took my digital camera and logged onto the internet. I found the picture of our family and uploaded into a 4th of July greeting card. I wrote just a brief not and signed it Pastor Peter. Then I choose all the families in my ministry and then hit send. About 5 days later each family got a card in the mail with a picture of our family from South Georgia.

Listen to this podcast! HERE!

Episode #8 Above is the Send out Cards Electronically interview with Mr. Eric Timmis.

If you like what you read and hear about then I invite you to set up a free gift account compliments of my ministry and send a card to a special person in the mail. Learn how HERE!
