Waiting School!
What is it?
Several years ago, I had heard Rev. Elaine Pettit preach on our district about prayer. First, we were prepared to pray in preparation of her arrival. Then when she came, she preached on hard subjects, hell, being one such subject. The altars were lined and people are challenged at every service! Elaine is God’s women in these last days for being a modern day John the Baptist and preparing the way for holiness.
In our local church we have not held a revival in three or more years now of the past 8 years. It is not that I do not believe in hosting an evangelist, but it is that our church body would not support it as a whole based on many aspects. Yet we need revival more than ever, but in a small church with less income than 5 years ago it has become so challenging and that is what it is. The church is changing and I hope in many regards we can come through this spiritual draught in America. There are those in our church that would support a revival both financially and attendance wise, but not enough for our local church to handle the load as it once did. I could go on about the state of the local church as it related to hosting evangelist, but that is another subject.
A few years ago I was asked to attend and assist in web casting the first Waiting School in May 2006. I agreed and went to the revival weekend. It was there that I discovered a fresh anointing in The Waiting School concept. The Waiting School is a intense boot camp for people hungry for God. In many small churches that cannot afford a full time evangelist the Waiting School is a solution and a new paradigm for setting up a powerhouse revival center and inviting the hungry for God to a place of revival. In many aspects, it is an atmosphere much healthier than a entire weekend long revival in the local church. In the local revival meeting, everyone goes home and work and many services get missed. Because of many life events, many will miss several sessions or evenings of a local revival. Bottom line is people pace many things above God now and it challenges the purpose of the revival in the community. However, at Waiting School you get a week worth of content and experience in God with like-minded people in 3 days. It is like an upper room atmosphere of serious saints waiting for His Presence! I just like it. In addition, I think every evangelist who has even a moderate base of supporters should consider this style of ministry at least once a year. There are just to many hungry people from so many little churches who would come out to the evangelist since the evangelist coming to the local church (especially the smaller ones) is challenging and becoming less and less frequent.
Now I have heard some criticism about Rev. Elaine Pettit and her ministry. Praise God for criticism as it is verification that she is stirring the hearts of men and those under conviction will speak ill of those who serve with holiness. I have heard criticism from , she is too old school and only talks about the old timers in American Revivalism to how serious she is about preaching and not much humor. In many regards, I would say I agree, but on the other hand, she is truly a modern day voice of the word of God that is proclaiming truth where there is such a void. Elaine tells what needs to be said, not what people necessarily want to hear. I highly respect people who tell me what I need to hear even if it is not what I want to hear. When do we ever hear anyone preach or talk about Hell and the Lake of Fire and the eternal consequences of sin? When we do hear clear messages about someone being sanctified holy and being supernaturally healed? And I might ask, when was the last time you heard an Evangelist preacher who regularly prays as least 2 hours a day to hear the voice of God? The church needs a voice Like Rev. Pettit and I thank God for her ministry.
Of course, there is another objective that I hear as well. It is the objection that she is a women evangelist. I had one man who would not even watch her remotely from his own home online because she is a woman. It is as if being a woman in ministry is a plague or something. I would recommend going to waiting school if you want to get into the presence of God and hear the things of God that are not being spoken in very many places on the earth today. Make the judgment yourself and attend Waiting School.
What will you get out of a waiting school?
You will experience the presence of God as well as sound biblical teaching from various leaders. You will find books and tapes to fill your library that have true biblical thought provoking life-changing content. You will likely hear things that will make you uncomfortable that you need to hear and God will change your life for His glory. You will also meet some of the most wonderful People of God coming from all over the country that are hungry for God. You will hear testimonies that many people just do not hear anymore and you will likely see demonstrations in the Spirit that are pretty much missing in the average church these days. Someone is likely to get up and run the isles out of blessing as well as shout unto God the voice of triumph. At a Waiting School, you will make friends from all types of backgrounds and find a subculture of holiness that you thought had disappear. At Waiting School, you can find healing, peace and hope in the Holy Ghost. People have literally travelled thousands of miles to by car, planes and trains to attend. All age groups come and seek the face of God. If you want to come to a retreat please do not come to Waiting School. I would highly recommend you rest before you come and plan to pray a lot, learn a lot and worship a lot. Waiting School is not a RETREAT, but rather it is an ADVANCE AGAINST HELL AND THE DEVIL to give victory to the saints of God who are hungry for a real move of God.
Is it worth it? Yes! It worth attending, as you will find God and His Presence at Waiting School!
Come to Waiting School 7 in Columbus, Ohio Memorial Day weekend and experience the glory of God. If you come with your cup up then you will leave with it running over!
To register for Waiting School 7 in Columbus Ohio go to www.WaitingSchool.org
Believing For More of Him!
Peter Migner, Pastor