Jesus commanded us to go into all the world and makes disciples. That mission is so broad in methodology, yet so focused in purpose. Jesus also taught on how to make disciples by a 3 part step. 1. Testimony through water baptism. 2.Instruction through teaching. 3. Mentoring through example. The applications for all of these can be done in through technology with the exception of water baptism of course. Even though technology is lowest form of communication and in person ministry is the highest form of communication it is nonetheless communication and should be considered with its present ease and accessibility for so many ministries.
The local church should be focused on making and reaching others for Christ where they are physically located and where they can develop meaningful relationships face to face. That is the highest form of discipleship making. However discipleship / mentoring does not have to be limited to the highest form and especially so when the recording of that highest form can be shared without much effort or in some cases no effort as the lowest form of communication.
James O Davis in a seminar I attended once said, “the lowest form of communication is predictability”. The highest form of communication for the preacher is proclaiming the gospel. So if people can predict what will happen before it happens because it happens that way so often then we communicate predictability as the lowest form of communication. If our disciples making efforts are also predictable why would we not try to share them beyond our Control Zone of personal influence?
As a local church of Jesus in your community you have a mission to reach others for Christ right where you are physically located. Granted you send missionaries out beyond your area and support them. But aside from that, if you’re lowest form of communication (predictability) and highest forms of communication (preaching a new message) can be captured and spread around the globe with little effort and little expense why would you not do it?
The ministries I have been in have been sharing for now over 10 years over the internet. I could tell you story after story of how many different touches I am aware of just by sharing what we already do over the internet. Before the internet was Radio and TV. Those forms of communication were cost prohibitive for the majority of churches. With the advent of the internet the majority of churches are without excuse now. We should all be taking advantage of these tools for His honor and glory.
The objections we can drum up for not considering reaching others for Christ beyond our control and direct influence usually boil down to selfishness, inconvenience and intimation of the unknown. If we are already going to teach and preach locally why not splash that influence and anointing wherever the Spirit of God may direct it? If you have watched any type of spiritual content on recorded or live media and learned something, then you just justified why you should do the same.
Last but certainly not least is the example of Jesus spending time with his disciples. When Jesus was teaching anyone of His disciple He always had the others disciples around listening to that conversation. Rarely do we find Jesus doing one on one ministry accept for Prayer with the Father and very few random examples. Even though a comment might have been directed to one disciple in particular the rest of the disciples observed and caught the splash over by default. What a great example Jesus gives of having influence beyond the target. If we target our local community while also spreading that influence through broadcasting and social media, God can reach more lost and discouraged souls than had you not given opportunity to splash and multiple your influence.
In our local ministry we know we have had impact and influence through audio/website/blog and video broadcast around the world. If you would like suggestions and ideas based on your equipment and budget constraints I would be glad to consult and direct. When it comes to communication on the internet the lowest form of communication is print and the highest form of communication is live and interactive video. Let’s reach our world for Christ and not limit what God will do with His word when released beyond our direct control.
Peter Migner is a pastor in Florida who also does personal digital consulting for churches and pastors. You can reach him and review his blogs at